geniwit Useful Tips on Mortgages

Blog Information

  • BLOG_POSTED_BY: Melissa Bailey
  • BLOG_POSTED_ON: Oct 18, 2017
  • Views : 1644
  • Category : Business
  • Description : When applying for a mortgage, borrowers make irreparable mistakes, which subsequently affect the risks of losing their real estate or creditworthiness. Keep in mind that it is important for a bank to sell its loan product for the best price, so they might tell you about all the advantages of taking a mortgage without focusing on some shortcomings, which, of course, are there.


  • When applying for a mortgage, borrowers make irreparable mistakes, which subsequently affect the risks of losing their real estate or creditworthiness. Keep in mind that it is important for a bank to sell its loan product for the best price, so they might tell you about all the advantages of taking a mortgage without focusing on some shortcomings, which, of course, are there. For a bank, the main thing is profit, and some creditors will be happy to help borrowers make mistakes for the benefit of their bank.

    Tips on getting a mortgage

    1. First of all, you should be able to properly assess your overall credit capabilities.
    In order not to have some mortgage delinquencies in the near future, experts advise you get a home loan, which is not too burdensome for you. Thus, your monthly installment payments should not exceed 30% of the family budget.

    2. Apply for a mortgage in the currency of your income.
    Given today’s economy, the exchange rate is rather unstable and if you take a loan in some currency other than your income one, you will have to significantly increase your monthly payments by exchanging your currency into dollars or euros.

    3. Choose a reputable bank.
    Of course, today mortgage loans are offered by almost all credit institutions, but as statistics show, more favorable lending conditions are provided by large banks with a long history and a good reputation. Therefore, look for a good bank!

    4. Study all the available credit programs.
    Do not rush to choose one of the banks or the first available housing loan program. Instead, we recommend you try to find the most advantageous offer for you and find out if you can get a mortgage on preferential terms.

    5. Improve your housing conditions gradually.
    We suggest you not immediately take a mortgage for a huge house or apartment. If you now have a studio apartment or a room in a student’s dormitory, then you should not get a loan for a three-room apartment. Instead, you may want to try to improve your housing conditions in stages: first take a mortgage for a two-room apartment and having successfully paid down your mortgage, you can replace your current apartment with a more comfortable and bigger place.

    6. Get a financial cushion.
    It will be prudent to always have some spare money for monthly installment payments. Experts believe that it is economically justified to have a three-month supply of money for the monthly mortgage payments. This way you will not have to be constantly stressful as to how you are going to pay your next monthly installment.

    These are all the useful tips we have for you on how to get a mortgage properly in order not to get in trouble. Now, it is up to you to decide whether you are going to follow our advice or not. Additionally, we would also like you to learn about second mortgages in Toronto, as this might be highly relevant to you.