geniwit 5 Secrets of a Hollywood Smile

Blog Information

  • BLOG_POSTED_BY: Rose Oliver
  • BLOG_POSTED_ON: Nov 02, 2017
  • Views : 1971
  • Category : Entertainment
  • Description : For a public person to invest money in a smile is part of the profession. But an ordinary person, reaching a beautiful smile, becomes a little more confident in their abilities, which means that they are more successful.
  • Location : Barrie, ON, Canada



    On the red carpet, the dazzling smiles of celebrities sparkle brighter than diamonds. These people know a beautiful smile is the best decoration that will be more expensive than any jewelry. For a public person to invest money in a smile is part of the profession. But an ordinary person, reaching a beautiful smile, becomes a little more confident in their abilities, which means that they are more successful. Family dentists agreed to disclose the five components of that dazzling Hollywood smile.

    1. Whitening

    If you see dazzling white teeth in the picture of a Hollywood celebrity, then it's either a photoshop or veneers or crowns. Let's be honest, dazzling white teeth are a rare phenomenon. What are veneers? These are ceramic pads on the teeth that make for aesthetic purposes. Sometimes veneers are imposed according to the indications. For example, a tooth may have a color defect, position, or structure of the enamel. And the attempt to fix the situation can only cause the defect. But if you do not need dazzling whiteness, in this case, you can resort to the usual bleaching procedure.

    2. Genetics

    Not only our heredity, but teeth, hair, skin, figure as well depend on genetics. If your parents have good strong teeth, you will be less prone to the negative influence of destructive factors - smoking, frequent coffee, etc. But if genetics is not very well, it is not worth the trouble. Modern medicine has learned to restore bad teeth. But we should remember: we can't have Holliwood smile once and for life. All medical manipulations are a compromise with nature. However, you cannot change your face. It is impossible to put Angelina Jolie's teeth on Ann Smith. Just because of anatomical features.

    3. Prevention

    If you know that no one could boast of white strong healthy teeth in your family, then you should take care of the beautiful smile of your future children before they are born. It is important that the pregnancy was planned, not accidental. Mom should be healthy and prepared. It should receive all the necessary vitamins and trace elements because the rudiments of the teeth are formed at the stage of the embryo. If the mother lacks something, then the defects of the teeth can be laid even at the stage of pregnancy.

    4. New technologies

    New technologies in dentistry appear almost every day. The same metal-ceramic crowns are becoming perfecter every year. Now they are not the same as they were ten years ago. Moreover, it is possible to do all teeth in a day. With the competent work of technology from modern materials, dentist can create a tooth that does not determine whether it is real or artificial.

    5. Braces

    Now, with different orthodontic constructions, you can see not only children, but adults over 30, 40, and even 50 years old. There are practically no age restrictions for the elimination of tooth defects. Although in childhood, treatment is more effective, because metabolic processes are more active, the body continues to grow.