geniwit You can now buy a Dark and Darker

Blog Information

  • BLOG_POSTED_BY: Emilylowes Emilylowes
  • BLOG_POSTED_ON: Jan 29, 2024
  • Views : 249
  • Category : Entertainment
  • Description : provides cheap Dark And Darker Gold, easily & safely buy DAD Gold at low prices, fast delivery, safe transaction, 24/7 LIVECHAT guarantee the best service for you! Have a good shopping! Welcome to visit


  • A mere 10 days ago, developer Ironmace Games Dark And Darker Gold announced the delay of Dark and Darker's early access release—news that was not-unexpected given its rolling legal dispute with Nexon. There is a not-insignificant chance thanks to this legal battle that, while this game is definitely a real thing (and we've played it), it may not ever see a full release.

    We'll get to the details of the dispute but, shortly after it began, Ironmace started and then paused a GoFundMe campaign to help with its legal battle. "The reality of the situation is that their end goal is to bleed us dry in court fees," said the developer, and there's no doubting Nexon has the kind of serious resource that could do such a thing to a smaller studio. Ironmace needs cash wherever it can get it.

    Dark and Darker fans roughly split into two camps. There's the die-hards who regard Ironmace as the little guy fighting big bully Nexon, and have rushed to support this. Then there's a more fatalistic crew who wonder whether they'll ever see the game and whether Ironmace is taking this fight seriously or just making buy Darker Gold as much as it can, as fast as it can, before the wheels come off. One wag asked Ironmace if this was the same coffee served at Nexon.