If your question is not answered here and you would like to suggest it then please contact us by filling the “Contact Us” form using the “Contact” link available in the footer of our site. Let us know your problem and we will try to fix it as soon as possible!
To join an Event, please follow the steps below:
1. Go to the Event you want to join.
2. Now, search for “Join Event” and click on it.
3. From the popup, select a suitable RSVP response and click “Join Event” to join this Event.
To revise your RSVP status for an Event, go to that Event’s Profile Page and search for your current RSVP status. From here, select a new response for the Event.
You can also revise your RSVP status from the option available in the Event’s cover photo and also post the reason for same.
You can choose who all can see your Event while creating your Event, by choosing the appropriate option for the “View Privacy” field. You can edit this privacy any time by clicking on the “Dashboard” link for your Event.
You can choose who all can comment on your Event while creating your Event, by choosing the appropriate option for the “Comment Privacy” field. You can edit this privacy any time by clicking on the “Dashboard” link for your Event.
While creating your Event, or editing its information, you can specify its location. You can then accurately point out the exact location of your Event on map using a drag-and-drop marker from the “Location” section of your Event Dashboard.
By using the “Share” link on your Event Profile, visitors to your Event can share it with others on this website. Whenever a guests or viewer Likes your Event by clicking on the Facebook Like Button, a feed gets published on the user’s Facebook wall for this action, thus sharing your Event with their Facebook network. There are also numerous Social Sharing buttons available on your Event Profile using which your Event can be shared across multiple websites like Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, etc.
You can create events for following content on this site:
a) Stores
b) Pages
c) Businesses
d) Products
e) Groups
Event Leaders will have all the permissions for your Event as you currently have, to manage various aspects of your Event like editing it, viewing reports, editing style, adding new content, updating information, etc.
You can choose who all can create Events on your Store while creating your Store, by choosing the appropriate option for the “Event Creation Privacy” field. You can edit this privacy any time by clicking on the “Edit Store Details” link for your Store.
Yes, you can create an Event for your Store in one of the following ways:
1. To create an Event, please follow the steps below:
a. Go to the Store Profile.
b. Click “Events” tab on the Store Profile. You might have to click on the “More” tab to expand the menu bar to see “Events”.
c. Click on “Create an Event” link from the top left corner of the “Events” tab to create an event.
d. Fill up the basic details for your Store Event.
e. Click on “Create”, to add an Event to your Store.
2. From the “Apps” section of your Store Dashboard, click on the “Create an Event” button and follow the steps from ‘d’ to ‘e’ as in case 1 above.
You can choose to receive more or less notification from the events that you have Joined by following the steps below:
1. Go to the Event Profile of the event which you have Joined.
2. Select “NotificationSettings” from the “Settings” option available in the Event’s cover photo.
3. Now, from the “Notification and Email Settings” lightbox, choose the actions for which you want to get notified.
4. Click on “Save Settings” button to save your choices.
Sponsored Events are Events which are specially marked as “Sponsored”. Such Events are more highlighted than others and thus gain more visibility. Sponsored Events appear in the “Sponsored Events” carousel on Events Home. On “Browse Events” and in search results, they are marked with a “Sponsored” marker. Events can be made Sponsored only by our site administrator.
If you have completed configuring your Event and want it to be available for public then select its status as: “Published”, otherwise, if you would like to save current configurations of your Event, and continue configuring it later on, and would not like your Event to be visible to public, then choose status as: “Saved As Draft”. Once you save the Event as “Published”, it cannot be switched back to draft mode.
Featured Events are Events which are specially marked as “Featured”. Such Events are more highlighted than others and thus gain more visibility. Featured Events appear in the “Featured Events” slideshow on Events Home. On “Browse Events” and in search results, they are marked with a “Featured” marker. Featured Events appear in a “Featured” tab on Events Home and the search form for Events also has a quick filter for seeing Featured Events. Events can be made Featured only by our site administrator.
To create an Event, please follow the steps below:
1. Click on “Events” from the main navigation menu bar at the top of any Page on this community.
2. Go to “Create New Event” section.
3. Fill the basic details for your Event such as.
a) Event Title
b) Venue and Location
c) Start Date and End Date
d) Privacy Settings
4. When you are done, click on “Create” button to create your Event.
5. Configure and enhance your Event from its Dashboard.
6. Add content like Photos, Videos, Documents, etc to enhance your Event.
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