To open a Store, please follow the steps below:
1. Click on “Stores” from the main navigation menu bar at the top of any page on this community.
2. Go to “Browse Stores” section and click on “Open a Store” button.
3. Get to know about stores on this site and click on “Open a New Store” button.
3. Choose a suitable “Package” for your Store and click on “Open a Store” button placed alongside the chosen Package.
4. Fill the basic details for your Store.
5. When you are done, click on “Open Store” button to open your Store.
6. Configure and enhance your Store from its Dashboard.
7. Add content like Photos, Videos, Offers, etc to enhance your Store.
Tip: Our site administrators control Packages, if you are not asked to choose a Package while opening your Store, then they might have currently disabled this functionality.
No. The more profile fields that you configure your ad targeting on, the more specific the targeting becomes.
The reason why Discussions feature is not available for your Page could be that, you might have chosen a Package for your Page for which the Discussions App is not available. In this case, you can see if choosing a different Package with the Discussions App suits you. You can change the Package for your Page from the “Packages” section of your Page Dashboard.
Availability of Packages for Pages, and their features are conditional depending on the settings chosen by our site administrator.
Yes, you can share the posts made by your friends by using the “Share” link available at the bottom of each post. The shared posts will be displayed on your wall as well as on your friends’ walls.
We have introduced a new Photo Lightbox Viewer with Theater Mode, which attractively displays your photos. This advanced way of photo viewing displays photos elegantly and provides an enjoyable experience:
- Photos in this viewer appear bigger, more beautiful and crisper.
- Photos are shown larger and clearer. The new viewer supports high resolution images.
- Its design minimizes distraction while photo viewing.
- Comments and commenting have been moved to a right Interaction Panel next to the photo. Thus, you no longer need to scroll down to comment on the photo. This increases interaction on your photos.
- You can quickly perform actions like Share, Like, Comment, Report, etc from photo viewer without page reload.
- The viewer and the photos automatically fit into the browser viewport area.
- You can now view your photos in Fullscreen Mode by clicking on an icon on photos in the viewer. In supporting browser, this also switches the browser view to fullscreen mode, and in other browsers, it hides the right Interaction Panel to show you a bigger photo.
- The "View All" option will enable you to view all the photos belonging to the album of currently viewed photo in an attractive photo strip which smoothly slides out from the bottom of photo viewer.
- The Title and Caption of photos are displayed prominently in the right Interaction Panel. Additionally, in Fullscreen Mode, Photo Title and Caption appear in an attractive fading tooltip on photos. Thus, you can also use our photo albums for showcasing your Photo Essays.
- You can now quickly "Like" a photo by pressing the "L" key.
- A tooltip will appear when you mouse-over on your name in the photo you are tagged in. This will show the name of the member who has tagged you, and also an option to remove the tag.
The permission for printing a membership card is conditional depending on the settings configured by our site administrators. If you are not able to view the Print option, then you might not be having the permission for it.
You can add Photos to your Listing in one of the following ways:
1. To upload Photos, please follow the steps below:
a. Go to the Listing Profile.
b. Click “Photos” tab. You might have to click on the “More” tab to expand the menu bar to see “Photos”.
c. Click on “Add Photos” link from the top left corner of the “Photos” tab to add a photo.
d. Click the “Add Photos” link to select the photos from your hard-drive.
e. Once progress bar is completed, click on “Save Photos” to upload photos to your Listing.
2. From the “My Listings” section, click on the “Add Photos” button and follow the steps from ‘d’ to ‘e’ in case 1 above.
Our website provides the Listings feature to enable you to showcase and save your various listing items like: products, places, books, pets, recipes, classifieds, services, archives, offerings, etc. You can create rich, detailed listings, with high interactivity, using multiple tools for this. While adding your listing, choose the appropriate category and sub-category for your listing depending on your requirement.
Of course, we don’t want you to leaver but if you must, you can delete your account by following the steps below:
1. Click on “SETTINGS” from the main navigation menu bar at the top of any page on this community.
3. Click on “Delete Account’ in the “My Settings” navigation.
4. From the popup, click on “Yes, Delete My Account” to confirm the deletion.
Any content you've uploaded in the past will be permanently deleted, you will be immediately signed out and will no longer be able to sign into this account.
To leave a network:
1. Click on “SETTINGS” link at the top right corner from any page of this community.
2. Select “Networks” option from the “My Settings” navigation menu bar at the top of the settings page.
3. From the My Networks block in the right side of the page, leave the network, you no longer want to be connected to.
To post your reply to a Forum topic, please follow the steps below:
1. Click on “Forum” from the main navigation menu bar at the top of any page on this community.
2. Go to the Forum topic to which you want to post your reply.
3. Use “Quick Reply” box available at the bottom of the page or click on “Post Reply” link from the top of the page and compose your reply.
To invite your Facebook friends to this site and to connect with them here, please follow the steps below:
1. Go to your Home Page.
2. Click on the “My Facebook” link available in the left of your Homepage.
3. Login into your Facebook account.
4. Go to the “Invite Facebook Friends” section.
5. Select your Facebook friends who you want to invite by clicking on their pictures.
6. Click on “Send” button to send your invitations
Whenever your Facebook friends would accept your invitation, a friend request will be automatically sent to them to connect with you on this site.
Our website contains deep integration with the Open Graph of Facebook which enables you to get organic traffic to your content. This is dependent on the settings chosen by our site administrators. With this Open Graph integration, for all your content which have a Facebook Like Button, a corresponding Facebook Page will be automatically created. Your content’s Page will show up in the same places that Facebook Pages show up around Facebook. This means when a visitor Likes your content by clicking on the Facebook Like button on your content, a connection is made between your content and that user. In this case your content will also be shown in the “Likes and Interests” part of that visitor’s Facebook Profile. If you have linked your site account with your Facebook account, you will be able to publish updates to all those people on Facebook who have Liked your content by using the “Admin Page” link next to the Facebook Like button.
If you have linked your site account with your Facebook account, you will be able to post updates to people who have Liked your content via Facebook Like button in the following ways:
1) From your content’s page, click on the “Admin Page” link next to the Facebook Like button.
2) On Facebook, in the right-most drop-down in the header, under “Use Facebook as”, choose the Page corresponding to your content.
When you have reached the Facebook Page corresponding to your content, you can post updates from there to all those people who have Liked your content via the Facebook Like Buttons. Your Facebook Page stories will display in the Facebook News Feed of anyone who has clicked the Facebook Like button on your content.
The Insights link enables you to view the Insights of the Facebook Page corresponding to your content. These Insights provide you overall metrics for your content’s Facebook Page.
Facebook Like buttons enable you to get organic traffic to your content. Using this button, visitors to your content will be able to “Like” your content. This will share your content with their friends on Facebook. Whenever a visitor would click on the Facebook Like button on your content, a related story will appear on their friends’ News Feeds with a link back to your content on this website.
Depending on the settings chosen by our site administrators, these Facebook Like buttons will also show to visitors their Facebook friends who have liked the content.
Our website also contains deep integration with the Open Graph of Facebook. This is dependent on the settings chosen by our site administrators. With this Open Graph integration, for all your content which have a Facebook Like Button, a corresponding Facebook Page will be automatically created. Your content’s Page will show up in the same places that Facebook Pages show up around Facebook. This means when a visitor Likes your content by clicking on the Facebook Like button on your content, a connection is made between your content and that user. In this case your content will also be shown in the “Likes and Interests” part of that visitor’s Facebook Profile. If you have linked your site account with your Facebook account, you will be able to publish updates to all those people on Facebook who have Liked your content by using the “Admin Page” link next to the Facebook Like button.
If your problem is not listed above, then please contact us by filling the “Contact Us” form using the “Contact” link available in the footer of our site. Let us know your problem and we will try to fix it as soon as possible.
If you do not want to see your Twitter updates in your activity feed area anymore, then click on the "Disconnect from Twitter" button placed alongside the Twitter tab on the top of your activity feeds area.
You can unhide activity feeds, and continue to receive updates from a member / page in one of the following ways:
1. To unhide activity feeds, please follow the steps below:
a. Go to your Homepage.
b. Hover your mouse on the “All Updates” link below the status box and click on the pencil icon to edit your activity feeds settings.
c. From the popup, click on cross (x) in front of that member’s / page’s name.
2. Hover your mouse on the “More” link in feeds filtering options below the status box and click on “Settings”. From the popup, click on cross (x) in front of that member’s / page’s name.
Friend Lists enable you to better organize your friends into Lists. You can choose to create multiple Friend Lists based on your relationships like Family, Close Friends, Co-workers, etc. To organize your friends into Friend Lists, please follow the steps below:
1. Go to your “Profile” page.
2. Click the “Friends” tab on your Profile. You might have to click on the “More” tab to expand the tabs menu to see “Friends”.
3. Search for the friend who you want to add to a list.
4. Click on the “add to list” link to add that friend to a list.
5. To add your friend to existing lists, click on the desired lists. If you want to add your friend to a new list, then simply write the name of the new list.
While sharing status updates, you can choose the Friend List who you want to share your update with. There are other applications on our website where you will find your Friend Lists useful.
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