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Food Home » Courses » Lunch » Lunch/snacks Brunch » Taco Bell Quesadillas

Nutritional Facts

  • Total Time 25 mins
  • Serves 4 servings


  • Carbs 7.2 g
  • Protein 0.3 g
  • Sodium 10 g
  • Calories 21.5 Calories from Fat 0

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Taco Bell Quesadillas

Posted By Thomas Knight     February 6, 2013     3,770 views     0 likes     0 comments
FOOD_TAGS - #One Dish meal #spreads
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I used to love these when I was younger, I could eat two in one sitting! I haven't had fast food in a year or two, but these taste like I remember Taco Bell's quesadillas tasting. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.


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