To join a Page, please follow the steps below:
1. Go to the "Page" that you want to join.
2. Click on "JoinPage" from the quicklinks on the Page Profile page.
3. From the popup, click on "Join Page" button to join the Page.
To leave a Page, please follow the steps below:
1. Go to the "Page" that you want to leave.
2. Click on "LeavePage" from the quicklinks on the Page Profile page.
3. From the popup, click on "LeavePage" button to leave the Page.
Tip: You can also leave a page by visiting "MyPages".
Yes, you can send messages to the members of your Page in one go by using the "Message Members" link available in the quick links on your Page Profile page.
To stop receiving notifications from a Page you've joined, go the "Members" tab of that page and mouse-over on the Settings icon. Now, click on "Notification Settings" to choose what do you want to get notified about.
To edit your Membership Role in a Page you’ve joined, go the "Members" tab of that page and mouse-over on the Settings icon. Now, click on "Edit" to edit the Role.
To edit your joining date in a Page you’ve joined, go the "Members" tab of that page and mouse-over on the Settings icon. Now, click on "Edit" to edit your joining date.
To post an Announcement to your Page, go to the Manage Announcement section of your Page Dashboard. Now click on "Post New Announcement" link to post a new announcement. This announcement will be visible on the Page Profile page.
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